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The swim season is scheduled from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day. The Board reserves the right to change pool hours based on usage, weather, finances or other reasons. Hours are adjusted when school begins.


We have NEW SENIOR (60+) SWIM HOURS! 9AM-10AM daily

Pool Hours: Monday – Sunday 9AM - 9PM



Lifeguard Hours: Wednesday & Thursday 4PM-9PM

                              Friday – Sunday 3PM – 9PM


When a lifeguard is on duty, a 15 minute Adult Swim time is scheduled every hour. During that time, our lifeguard will sell items from the concession stand.

*We are currently not operating our concession stand.


When lifeguards are not on duty, it is swim at your own risk. Do NOT swim alone. A signed swim waiver is required by every member.


Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to enter the pool area without an adult. Only adults over 18 living in your house should be given the gates codes.


All members are required to sign in when entering the pool area. By signing in, they agree to abide by all rules and regulations.


A pool manager’s contact information is posted at the pool deck for pool maintenance related concerns.


The Club will collect a 10% fee for any activity occurring on Club property that is professional in nature and generates profit. 

*We are currently not allowing classes of any kind.



Pool Rules and Regulations


Only children 0-6 years old, with an accompanying adult, are allowed in the wading/baby pool, when the pool is available. Children in the baby pool are the sole responsibility of the accompanying adult and are not the responsibility of the lifeguard or Club.*


A child less than 8 years of age must be under the direct supervision of an adult.*


No one is allowed to enter the pool unless a lifeguard or an adult member with non-lifeguard privileges is present.


No one will swim alone.*


No one is allowed to swim if they have any of the following

      Communicable disease*           Vomiting*

      Diarrhea*                                    Bleeding lesions, scrapes or cuts*


No spitting or nose blowing is allowed in the pool.*


No uncovered diapers are allowed in the pool water.


Children not potty trained must wear snug fitting waterproof pants while in the water.

No diaper changing is allowed on the pool deck.


Children who cannot swim must be in a supervising adult’s arms or wear a flotation device approved by the lifeguard. Noodles and floats are unacceptable as flotation devices.


Only one person at a time is allowed on the diving board.


There will be no running or rough play.*


Swimming is not allowed in the diving area, unless designated by the lifeguard.


No glass or breakable containers may be brought into the pool area.*


No smoking is allowed within the pool fence, near the pool entrance, or in the tennis area. Smoking is restricted to the designated smoking area.*


No gum is allowed within the pool area.


No eating is allowed within 5 feet of the pool edge.*


Metallic and Styrofoam toys are not permitted in the pool. Floats (plastic, canvas or inflatable) may be used at the discretion of the lifeguard.


Swimming equipment (fins, masks, water wings, etc.) must be approved by the lifeguard.


All persons will evacuate the pool during electrical storms. The lifeguard will determine when a storm is/has occurred.


Please follow these guidelines when a lifeguard is not on duty:

          Pool must be unoccupied for 20 minutes after thunder is heard.

          Pool must be unoccupied for 30 minutes after lightning is seen.


The pool will be cleared of all persons, less than 18 years of age for up to 15 minutes each hour for a safety break and adult swim, per Gwinnett County Rule.*


Guest Privileges:


All members must register their guests at the entry gate upon entering the pool area.


No persons residing within 5 miles of the Club are eligible to be guests more than 3 times per swim season.


Bona fide house guests, including qualified babysitters accompanying member’s children, will be admitted free of charge.


No more than 5 guests will be allowed per membership at any given time.




All persons using any NSRC facility do so at their own risk.

The Nantucket Swim and Racquet Club and its board members will not be responsible for loss or damage to personal property or personal inquiry.


The lifeguard is empowered by the Board of Directors to take appropriate action necessary to provide safety and maintain discipline with the pool area to the extent of temporary expulsion from the Club grounds.


Foul language, loud music and aggressive behavior are grounds for removal.

Anyone misusing or destroying the facilities may be prohibited from all future use of the club facilities and/or may be prosecuted at the discretion of the NSRC board.

Pets are not permitted in the pool area.


Only those with commercial swimming apparel will be allowed in the pool. Cut-off jeans, for example, are not allowed.


No one under 18 years old will be allowed in the kitchen area without the lifeguards permission.


All NSRC members are responsible for enforcing these rules.


The pool is available for rental to all members in good standing.


*Gwinnett County Board of Health Regulations


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